Russian salad and importance of traditions

We all have own traditions for any occasion and situation. For me Olivie salad (Russian salad) is a symbol of joy, cheer, love and optimistic feelings, expectations of future. I like to cook it when my mood is on top, when I wanna celebrate something. This colorful (but not very dietary:-) salad full of sunshine because of potatoes. In my salad always only vegetables that makes my salad very light.
We all have traditions for special occasions, and it makes us stronger, it gives us stability and making us closer to each other. Whenever every day traditions I believe even more important: breakfast together, coffee on balcony, favorite song in a car or meeting friends every Sunday...millions. Nowadays we always want to try something new, change, improve. We are looking forward too often that sometimes forgetting to look inside and do something traditional.
Let's follow old traditions and create new ones, for every day and for years....for ourselves and for new generation.
p.s. inside Russian salad: 4-5 potatoes, 6-7 pickles, 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 carrot, 5 eggs, half onion, salt, pepper, mayo.
from Eva with Love and God help
as always